Fashion and style is blooming in Wynnum Central with a range of fashion outlets from established and new additions to the retail mix.
Womens wear and accessories for the beach, party and everyday are at hand without the need to go to the city. Top designer labels are just as much available at long established Got a Go Boutique in Edith Street with plenty of accessories from jewellery, bags, hats and shoes to accompany the outfit. Over the road Juicy Secrets have another extensive range of womens clothing and accessories.
A variety of contemporary styles can be found at Sobidah Clothing Co* and Simply Bella (both outlets in Bay Terrace), with Lewis and Philp in Florence Street offering a ladies boutique with a wonderful range of fashion labels.
And men are not left out with established DBS Menswear in Edith Street providing an extensive range of contemporary fashion ranging from casual and beachwear to suits and formal hire. Many a generation of young men have been fitted at DBS Menswear and return when adults and with their own young boys.
And to complement this range of wearable fashion are stylish barber shops offering contemporary style and the homeware and gift stores The Collective, Cultivate Design Co and Billy Baxter’s Home Depot, all clustered around the junction of Bay Terrace and Florence Street. Wynnum really is becoming a place of style!
Kevin Liepins
Senior Brisbane writer, Weekend Notes
*Sobidah Clothing Co and Mum & Me are both members of Wynnum Business and supporter of WynnumCentral, as is Kevin’s business, Visit Wynnum Manly.