Every now and then stories surface in the mainstream press (like this one in The Australian last month) about Wynnum and crime rates, particularly the long running ‘hoodie ban’ issue. These reports generally come from the Police and quote ‘Police in Wynnum’ or trials of hoodie bans in Wynnum.
The point being missed here is that the Queensland Police Service ‘Wynnum District’ in fact covers a huge area, not just Wynnum itself. Other suburbs such as Capalaba, Cleveland and Victoria Point fall within the Wynnum District. This is often missed by the media, who correctly quote ‘Wynnum Police’ but which is mistakenly read by the public to refer just to Wynnum itself.
Perhaps we should lobby for the Wynnum District to be renamed something more generic, to stop this association of crime reporting with our suburb.
What do you think? Let us know below.