If you live in or near Wynnum, you probably have a love/hate relationship with it.
The retail area has an eclectic collection of shops and boutiques, but there are quite a few empty shops (over 25 at the last count), and where are the restaurants, where are the bars and the nightlife? Where’s the cinema?
WynnumCentral is all about breathing some life back into Wynnum. We’re going to start by bringing Wynnum back to life at the weekend, with a monthly art, craft, retro and vintage market in Edith Street one Saturday a month, starting we hope in September. The street will be closed to traffic and most of the shops will be open as well.
There will be a regular art trail in Wynnum Central one Sunday a month. And we’ll be featuring regular news about what’s going on in Wynnum on this site, plus competitions and giveaways every now and then. To get your weekly fix on what’s happening, sign up for the WynnumCentral Weekly ENEWS email.
Watch this space…