Perry’s the place for fresh fruit and veg (including the exotic)

Back in April we reported that Perry’s Fruit & Veg, a Wynnum icon for the past 45 years, had changed hands. We had a chance to catch up with the owners, Myf Cottis and Julie Innes to ask them a bit about the store.
“When we were looking at buying the store, we wanted to make sure that it stocked fresh and colourful new produce. We wanted it to be a place where we would want to shop!” said Julie.
Shortly after they took over one of their customers said to them “I’ve been waiting for a shop like this to open in Wynnum for years.”
Julie is a long time resident of Wynnum and Myf, originally from Brighton in the UK, has also lived on the Bayside for a while.
At Perry’s you’re able to find all your usual fruit and veg, but they also stock some exotic varieties – like the Black Sapote (pictured) commonly known as ‘chocolate pudding fruit’.
“The Black Sapote is a member of the Persimmon family and is grown in the tropics.” explained Myf. “It’s completely black inside and you eat it by scopping it out like a custard apple. It’s a superfood, with four times as much vitamin C than oranges. You don’t eat them hard, but let them go a little soft, much like an avocado.”
If you want to try a Black Sapote head down to Perry’s (they’re $5.99 each).
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