Residents survey results are in
and the message is… sort out the parking and fill the empty shops!

Well, the results are in. We would like to thank the 94 people who took part in our 2020 Residents Survey and let us know what you would like to see in Wynnum in 2020 and beyond.
If this is a reasonable sample of the local Wynnum community (which sits at around 13,000 with roughly 2,500 of these under 14), here’s what you told us you wanted…
1) more (or better) parking
2) a wider variety of shops and
3) the empty shops filled
In terms of what you’d like to see, there was less consensus than in previous surveys, but late night opening eateries and restaurants were popular suggestions.
In terms of possible future events in Wynnum people would like to see, food and music themed events seemed popular choices, and Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening events were likely to suit most people.
Some proposed projects got a more enthusiastic response than others, and the winners were…
1) events in the laneways
2) putting creative projects into empty shops
3) running a respectable third was support for the community garden project for Florence Street
There’s a lot more interesting information on the survey results page, which you can access here…