Is Wynnum Central the thrift shop capital of Brisbane? Bargains can be had in a plethora of thrift shops in Wynnum with the hubs of Bay Terrace and Edith Street and the Pandora’s Thrift shop tucked away in Bride Street behind St Peter’s Anglican Church.
Do they detract from the fashion boutiques and other retail in Wynnum or do they bring in more potential customers for all, particularly those looking for that special retro look? Bargains are certainly to be had but many now have designer goods from accessories to clothes, and, whilst still a great buy, are a far cry from the few dollars to be expected to be paid for a pre-loved item.
And what’s in a name? Thrift shops, charity stores, pre-loved or a haven for retro junkies looking for that item of clothing, jewellery or vinyl that perhaps their parents had.
It’s all perception in how we describe them and more importantly on how they are promoted as part of the Wynnum Central offering. A retro theme certainly goes with a more traditional style of retail shopping and personalised service that the big centres don’t offer.
And if it attracts a new market from twenty somethings looking for fashion and music from a bygone era why not capitalise on it?
There’s even potential to run shopping tours such as in Adelaide which can bring extra spend with a morning tea or lunch added.
Do you think there’s potential for shopping tours to Wynnum? What’s the best bargain you have found?
Kevin Liepins
Senior Brisbane writer, Weekend Notes
Kevin also runs Visit Wynnum Manly, a member of Wynnum Business and supporter of WynnumCentral.