Help name the new cinema complex! (UPDATE)

We have had a huge response to the callout for a new name. But there’s still time to put in your suggestion – you’ve got until tomorrow (Friday 21st June) to put yours in – either in the comments here or via email to [email protected].
Berrima Develop, the developers of the new cinema complex in Wynnum Central have a dilemma – what should the new complex be called? So they have turned to readers and subscribers of WynnumCentral to give them a hand… by taking part in the naming process.
Here’s how it’ll work…
• We’ll give you a week to put your thinking cap on and come up with a suggested name (ie until Fri 21st June)
• Name suggestions can be made via email (to [email protected]) or via the comments at the bottom of this article or via the Facebook post
• All the suggested names will be listed in an online survey and we’ll ask everyone to vote on their favourites (voting will run until Sunday 30th June)
• The most popular name will be revealed on Sunday 7th July
Just to make things a little more interesting, the developers are offering a few prizes, to be awarded at random to anyone who takes part in the naming process. The following four prizes are on offer…
1st prize
A Wynnum Entertainment Pack (worth $200) to spend at a range of Wynnum Central retailers along with 12 cinema tickets valid for 12 months from the opening date of the new cinema (worth $100)
3 prizes of a pack of 12 cinema tickets valid for 12 months from the opening date of the new cinema (worth $100 each)
So… let the name game begin!
The Small Print
• To be entered in the draw, you must suggest a name and provide an email address where we can contact you if you win a prize
• Prizes will be re-drawn if we do not hear back from winners within 10 days of us sending the notification email
• If you are not already on the WynnumCentral ENEWS list, we will add you (you can unsubscribe at any time)
• The developers are free to name the complex any name they choose and are not obliged to use the most popular name or any of the suggested names
• Some name suggestions may be omitted from the final list at the discretion of the organisers
• The organisers of the naming process and the draw are Berrima Develop Pty Ltd and their decisions relating to the process and the draw are final
My first choice would be to keep it simple ..Berrima St Movies or Bay Movies…
Wynnum Central cinemas
My choice would be The Southern Star Cinema
If they sell hot chips, I’d call it, “Bayside Flicks & Chips” or “Bayside Chips & Flicks”
If not… then something simple like “Bayside Cinemas”
It would be fitting to history to call it Imperial Picture Theatre or Flea Pit
Wynnum Cinemas
I think Central Cinemas would work great
Movies by the bay
Love this one!
Hmm…A wynnum cinema 🤔🤔 I think the only possible name would be the WYNNUMA!! #wynnuma 👏👏👏👏👏
Okay no need to continue competition, that’s gotta be the winner!
Bayside Cinemas or Bayside Movies
W.E.C. … Wynnum Entertainment Centre
Short and snappy.. ‘I’ll meet you at WEC!’
My husband is a born and bred Wynnumite and he suggests “Imperial Star” as a memory of the two previous Wynnum theatres which he remembers.
Love it.
“No Talking No Dogs”
The Imperial Star Theatre
I like the sound of this one too. The Imperial Star Theatre!
“Flea Pit 2”
my Idea would be honouring the ancestral land we live on and name it after the traditional tribe owners on Wynnum and call it “Quandamooka bay Theatre”. OR Naming it “ Broadwalk theatre” something that flows.
This is a great idea. Maybe even consult with local elders in naming.
Bayside Cinemas
Greene’s Dream
( after Samuel Greene )
Wynnum Bayside Star Cinema 🌟
Flix by the Bay
Waterloo Bay Cinemas
Fisherman’s Daughter Cinemas
Wynnum Imperial Theatre (WIT) or Wynnum Imperial Cinemas (WIC) otherwise something simple Bayside Cinemas or Waterloo Cinemas
The WaterLoo Bay Cinemas ( or Theatre )
its across the road from the waterloo bay Hotel
-Pandanus Pictures
-Wynnum Theatre
-Quandamooka Movie Theatre
-Wynnum Cinema
– Saltwater Cinemas
I like Pandanus Pictures or Quandamooka Cinemas;
Wynnum needs a facelift and movie theatres are the answer. The name I think would suit these Theatres is The Old Wynnum Town Theatres
Paradise Bay Cinemas
Wynnum Cine Centre.
The name should be “Wynnum Sun Screen”
Cinema by the Bay
Seaside Cinema Complex
Bayside Box office
Bayside Big Screen
Wynnum is English speak for Pandanus so it could be a fitting name. “Pandanus Pictures”.
Stars of the screen bayside
Wynnum star central
Seaside cinema
Waterloo cinema complex
Wynnum Ritz
Uptown cinema
Roxy @ Wynnum
Waterloo@ Wynnum
The Bay’s Big Screen
Seaside shows
Shows by seaside
Pelicans pictures
Fin flicks
Fish flicks
Tide theatre
Cine Bay
That will do!!
Bay Flicks or The Bay Flicks Going to the pictures was always going to the flicks when I was growing up. A weekly event.
So many good ones…. I like….
Wynnum Cinema
Flicks at the Bay
Bayside Cinema
Wynnum Cineplex
Bay Breeze Cinema
How about maiming our new theatre WYNNUM FLIX in memory of where us oldies went on Saturday afternoon.
The” Imperial Wynnum ” Cineplex/Theatre
I would like to suggest, Bayside Flicks or Bayside Ciniplex.
The bayside jewel
Quandamooka Cinemas (indigenous dame for Moreton Bay)
Waterloo Bay Cinemas
Thunderdome Cinemas
Star Struck Cinemas
Bay Watch hahaha
LOL that’s a good one Rhett
Napoleons at Waterloo
Wynnum Cinemas – keep it simple and relevant
Seaside Flicks
Opposite to waterloo bay hotel for the place who finally made it happen for us after all these years.
Water’s bay
Could also work
Bay view cinemas
Bay watch Cinemas
Nod to the elders and history. Quandamooka Star Cinemas
– Breeze Cinemas;
-1889 (The year the railway line was finished and Wynnum essentially came to life as a town. Also the year the Waterloo Bay hotel was opened)
Popcorn picture palace (hubby pic)
Bayside Movies
Quanda Movies
The Bay Picturehouse or The Silver Screen Cinema
Bay Cinemas
Pandanus movie Cental
Bayside Cinemas
Figtree Cinemas or Figtree Flicks
Rose bay cinema after tbe bay down the road. All class. Lorna
Wynnum Picture Palace
I think keep it simple
Cinema Name: Bayside Cinema
Confectionery Shop: Flicks & Chips
I think it should be named
‘Wynnum Evolution Cinema’ since Wynnum is evolving and has been since the rail was built creating a wonderful, accesible seasisde town.
Wynnum Central Cinemas
Bayside Cinemas
Palace Pictures
My idea is :
Wynhamm bay cinemas
Wynnhamm star cinemas
As an acknowledgement of the people behind the complex
My suggested name is WYNNUM 2020