The following report on development in Wynnum Central is from Michael Jullyan from Thinktank Architects (pictured below). It also appeared a few weeks ago in the Wynnum Business In Business column in the Wynnum Herald…
Wynnum revitalisation continues with new developments in construction and planned across the CBD.
Most notably are two major catalyst projects, the Wynnum Cinema in Berrima Street which is set to start construction late this month or early next, and a brand name motel chain hoping to lodge plans to Brisbane City Council in the next three months for a development in Bay Terrace.
Both developments have been courted by the Wynnum Redevelopment Taskforce since 2012 and will be a massive boost for business activity and vitality and will assist in bringing a broader, stronger mix of retail offerings.
Three more apartment Building Applications have been lodged bringing them one step closer to construction, and the two current projects under construction will finish in the second half of this year bringing another 200+ residents living in Wynnum Central.
The OzFish fishing competition is set for May 4-6th with WMEI partnering to add the Wynnum Manly Seafood Festival to the event (see our separate article on the seafood festival here).
Two more apartment sites have been consolidated by developers – one in Berrima Street and another for Bay Terrace for premium owner/occupier units which will continue the CBD growth throughout 2020-21.
As reported in the Wynnum Herald this week (Thursday 18th April p5), a new eight storey, fourteen unit development has been approved on the corner of Bay Terrace and Berrima Street on the south west corner where a second hand car dealership is located (33 Bay Terrace). The new development will feature a retail unit, a food outlet and some office space.

Thinktank Architects are members of Wynnum Business (and supporters of WynnumCentral)