Hypnosis – not just about getting people to behave like chooks
Local hypnotherapist to give talk next week

Ask the man – or woman – in the street about hypnosis and you’ll likely hear about stage performances with people being made to pretend to cluck like a chicken, or similar. But did you know that the Green Bay Packers used ‘conversational hypnosis’ to prepare players during training and before games, and that many people use hypnosis to overcome ‘blocks’ which affect their business and personal lives?
“It is often not talked about but hypnotherapy is also used by many well known people.” explains Wynnum-based JCB Health Solutions Chez Burton, “It is also used in many medical situations where it helps patients prepare themselves for surgery or deal with pain and can even shorten the recovery period after surgery. Some police services around the world have found benefit from the use of hypnotherapy to assist those with anxiety following the ordeals the police can go through.”
Chez will be talking about hypnosis and hypnotherapy at the next Wynnum Business meeting at 6pm on Tuesday 24th April. She will cover some of the common myths surrounding hypnosis and its use as a proven clinical tool to help people with a range of different issues which negatively impact their lives.
She has university qualifications but has moved her career into the field of natural therapies through her own journey and has worked in the field for several years. She holds a qualification of Professional Hypnotherapist from the Conversational Hypnosis Academy, and is recognised by the IICT (International Institute of Complementary Therapies) as a NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) Master Practitioner and Professional Hypnotherapist.
Chez and her partner John have both been trained by Scott Jansen who is a leader in the hypnotherapy field, an author of three books as well as having founded a successful training business which teaches students globally and he also conducts training at sold-out events around the world.
The meeting on Tuesday is open to all – tickets are $20 (earlybird) or $25 standard and cocktail style food and drinks (wine/beer/soft drink) are included, If you’d like to come along you need to book in online here…
JCB Health Solutions is a member of Wynnum Business and supporter of WynnumCentral
Main image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hypnotisk_seans_av_Richard_Bergh_1887.jpg
Hello, I was reading your article today in the Wynnum Herald concerning a survey on what businesses the residents of Wynnum and surrounding areas would like. I think this is an excellent idea and it would assist with obtaining the right mix of retail outlets for all.
I would like to see an area where the kids could go, say a Laser Zone or Golf Put Put which could be housed in the old building which contained the IGA recently. We could also have a Spotlight, Best & Less or even Target.
We need to bring the vibrancy back to Wynnum Central as more and more apartments are being built here.
Wynnum has so much going for it. Cinemas coming, Skate Park, Port Lytton and hopefully more.
Please let us get this suburb into a place to visit when more tourists come to Brisbane. It needs to be a little like Redcliffe or perhaps Sandgate?
We could even push for another DFO perhaps?