Winter in Wynnum at the foreshore means it’s time to drain the Wading Pool and, as in the last two years, the sandy bottom of the pool is now doubling up as a beach volleyball arena for the Dial Before You Dig Wynnum Central Beach Volleyball season (presented by Brisbane City Council).
During the school holidays (admittedly nearly over) 29th June-14th July the four courts are open to the public 11am-3pm at no charge. From 20th June the courts are open to the public only at the weekends (July 20/21, 27/28 and August 3/4, 10/11).
For more serious and/or capable players the 2019 Battle of Waterloo will pitch teams against each other to win the Beach Volleyball School Challenge (Sunday 21st July) or the Beach Volleyball Clubs Challenge (Sunday 11th August).
Whether you’re just looking for a bit of fun or you take your beach volleyball a little more seriously, head over to https://www.wynnumbeachvolleyball.com/ for full details.