- On the event page on Facebook 1,300 people say they are going and 3,100 say they are interested. So who knows how many will come along? Our guess is upwards of 5,000
- At this point the weather forecast is looking good – sunny and hot (30C) during the day but pleasant in the afternoon and evening
- You can check out all of the latest information here, the trick or treat trail here and the parade route down Bay Terrace here
- As well as the parade there will be plenty of entertainment, market stalls (in the car park diagonally opposite The Coffee Club corner Charlotte Street & Bay Terrace) and food options on the night
Plus here are some updates we’ve received from Wynnum retailers and organisations on what they’re doing on the night…
BABI Youth and Family Service (Bay Terrace)
BABI Youth and Family Service are holding their inaugural Haunted Hotel fundraiser – it is a $10 donation per person for entry which includes entry into the Haunted Hotel, photo wall/booth and a lolly bag. The hotel will open for business from 4pm in order to give people setting themselves up for the parade an activity to participate in
Bayside Soap Supplies (Edith Street)
…will be handing out “Monster Repellant Soaps” for kids instead of lollies (they will only have a limited amount available)
Sash & Gable Real Estate (Edith Street)
…will be in the office dressed up in their Halloween finest and handing out treats or tricks to passing children
Mandala VGF Gluten Free & Plant Based Foods (Florence Street – opposite Woolworths)
Will be doing lots of stuff! They will be open all day from 9am till 9pm, and will also have a Halloween market stall up at the main event on Bay Terrace (diagonally opposite The Coffee Club). They will be handing out free gluten free and plant based cookies to children for trick or treat. They will also have zombie, ghost and orc cookies for sale as well as ghoulish witches fingers, plus their version of fortune cookies. There will also be tastings at their factory shop in Florence Street of their full range, including tarts (savoury and sweet) and a new range of savoury biscotti. Finally Mandala VGF will also be serving takeaway savoury meals at the factory shop (with a small informal seating area). Check out their Facebook page for more info.
Gigglefit Grammar (Bay Terrace)
…have gone overboard with decorations and decked the store out with a spider themed scarefest. They will be opening from 9am until 8 – 8:30pm on the day as the parade is going straight past their store down Bay Terrace. They will have free suitably spooky snacks for adults and a trick or treat basket for the young ones full of cavities and calories which they will bring out after dark for their customers. The store will going black once the sun goes down with newly purchased purple lights replacing the fluorescent bulbs and tiny lanterns handed out to customers so they can find their way around the store. Look out for their eyeball cupcakes!
Le Buste and Sobidah Clothing Co in Edith Street have both ‘spookified’ their windows, although Sobidah will not be open during the parade.
Bayside Soap Supplies, Sash & Gable Real Estate, Mandala VGF and Sobidah Clothing Co are members of Wynnum Business and supporters of WynnumCentral.