WynnumCentral celebrates five years this week

It’s hard to believe, but the WynnumCentral project – this website and accompanying ENEWS email news update (and social media) along with the activation events – the Edith Street Art/Craft/Vintage/Retro markets and the Twilight Market that ran from 2013-2015, all kicked off five years ago this week.
The first market on Saturday 5th October 2013 was quite literally kicked off by Wynnum Manly Seagulls player Kurt French kicking a ball down Edith Street (see the pic here).
And in 2014 Wynnum hit the national headlines with the declaration of independence of the Republic of Wynnum. Add in the Illuminations Festival that ran for three years and the Seafood Festival (both organised by different groups), Wynnum has had an eventful (pun intended) few years.
The very first ENEWS went out on 23rd July 2013 … to 12 people (we now have just under 3,000 subscribers, or about 25% of the population of Wynnum).
Making the cut in the first edition was a short article about the Wynnum Colourband and its appearance on the water tower at the end of Preston Road, the need for more public toilet facilities, and a ‘ca$h mob’ in Wynnum.
If you’d like to read any of these stories, they’re still on this site…
Is this why Wynnum sometimes gets an undeserved bad rap?
The Wynnum colourband explained
Ca$h mob to hit Wynnum on Saturday 27 July
Most normal man on the planet lives in Wynnum
What is WynnumCentral?
Have you seen the water tower yet?
The ladies at Got-A-Go say there isn’t anywhere when you need to
We also asked residents what they would like to see in Wynnum and now – five years on – we are maybe 12-18 months from having all the top three wishes (cinema; bar; ice cream parlour – although still no sushi!) fulfilled with the top wish – a cinema – due to be up and running by the end of next year.
And although we have not run any events in Wynnum Central in a while, we are in planning phase for a number of possible events in 2019. Subscribe to ENEWS and you’ll be the first to know – along with another 2,999 people!