Banking Royal Commission has changed property finance
Talk on topic Tue 21st August in Wynnum

Wynnum mortgage broker and industry award winner Phil Carr (pictured below) from MC Mortgage Solutions will be talking at an evening event at Sash & Gable Property on Tuesday 21st August (6pm-8pm) on the changing landscape in the mortgage and finance world in the wake of the recent Banking Royal Commission. In his talk he will be covering…
- What’s happened and how did it get this far
- What’s currently under the microscope
- What’s coming and should you be concerned?
- What to know when investing in commercial and residential property
Phil spent eleven years at Suncorp bank, seven as a lending manager, before joining MC Mortgage Solutions. In 2016 he was awarded ‘Best Newcomer’ by Adviser Magazine and was a finalist for the National Newcomer of the Year Award at the Australian Broking Awards in the same year.
The talk is part of a Wynnum Business After Work event (Sash & Gable Property are members of Wynnum Business). Tickets are $25 and include cocktail style food and drinks. The event is open to anyone who would like to come along although tickets are limited to 40 people.
Anyone wanting to come along can book in here…
Location: Sash & Gable Property 113b Edith Street Wynnum
More details soon on other talks coming up – on cybercrime and 3D printing.