Movember in Wynnum

With only a few days left until the end of the month, a few people in Wynnum are putting the final touches to their newly grown moustaches, all to raise money for men’s health.
First up is Ian Gobey at Wynnum real estate agents Sash & Gable. This photo was taken a few days ago, so the moustache is undoubtedly a bit bushier by now! (see the real mo’ below)
Over the weekend our second Wynnumite with a new mo’ is Michael Redhead (main image with Xenia and Rita at Monty’s Place), who held a Texas BBQ Smoker Night at Monty’s Place in Glenora Street to serve up some Texas BBQ fare to raise money for the cause (all proceeds from the event are going to Movember).
Even if you weren’t able to make it to the event, both Michael and Ian are accepting donations via the Movember site until the end of the month here…
Michael –
Ian –

Monty’s Place and Sash & Gable are both members of Wynnum Business and supporters of WynnumCentral.