
New Wynnum business group opens membership to individuals

New Wynnum business group Wynnum Business (the organisation behind WynnumCentral) of course welcomes businesses in Wynnum and adjacent suburbs as members, but over the holiday break also announced an individual membership option for residents and others who do not own or work in a business.

“People who live in Wynnum are very interested in what is happening in Wynnum and keen to see the area move ahead, especially the Wynnum Central shopping precinct.” explained Wynnum Business General Manager David Bateson. “Wynnum Business would welcome input from residents and locals not involved in a business, and we have created this new membership level for them.”

Individual membership, normally $6 a month, is pegged at $4 a month up until the group has 100 members. Individual members will receive the same business updates as business members do and will be able to have input into ideas at conception stage. Individual members will also automatically become Citizens of the Republic of Wynnum and have access to aristocratic titles at discounted rates(!)

pie-chartThe new business group has now set up its website as a ‘secure site’ (look for https: in the site URL) and members, both business and individual, are able to subscribe on the site by setting up a monthly payment on their credit card. More details on joining Wynnum Business here… https://wynnumbusiness.org/join/

PS Two business/networking events are planned for February. If you are involved in a business in the local area, these meetings are a great place to meet other business people and business owners and learn about business and technology from speakers invited to give a short 15min talk at each meeting. For the meeting dates and venues and to book in ($25 per person or $5 for Wynnum Business members) visit this page…


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