The Summer edition of The Wynnum View is now out – and you may already have received a copy in your mailbox, with around 5,000 being distributed to local residents. You’ll also be able to pick up a copy at a number of retailers in Wynnum – we don’t have the list though so you’ll just have to try your luck!
Many members of Wynnum Business feature in the latest edition, including…
- Matilda the Art of Gelato
- Ross Vasta MP
- Simply Bella
- Anne Higgs Photography
- Sobidah Clothing Co
- Waterloo Bay Hotel
- Bayside Hand Therapy
- Reassure Accounting
- Tingal Graphics
- Councillor Peter Cumming
- ThinkTank Architects
…and Wynnum Business has taken a small ad too!
The Wynnum View is the print arm of the Visit Wynnum Manly website.
If for whatever reason you have not got your copy of the latest Wynnum View and would like one, we have 15 to give away – just email your name address to [email protected] and, if you’re one of the first 15 to respond we’ll get a copy out to you!
Visit Wynnum Manly is a member of Wynnum Business and a supporter of WynnumCentral.