Not long to go until 2023! Are you making any New Year’s Resolutions this year?
Let us know…

With 2023 just hours away (about 30 right now), we’d like to wish all of our readers and subscribers a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2023!
We’re also interested to know if you’re making any New Years Resolutions this year – let us know in our very quick poll below. Don’t worry – all answers are anonymous, but we will share the results with you (and all of our readers) if we get enough responses. It’s even worth taking the poll just to let us know you don’t do New Years Resolutions!
Here are the three poll questions…
- Do you normally make New Year’s Resolutions?
- If you do, do they work for you?
- If you are making any New Year’s Resolutions this year, what are they?
Give us your answers here…