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Piccardi Legal chooses Wynnum

Tony Piccardi has confidence in Wynnum Central, having set up his main legal practice, Piccardi Legal, in Florence Street during 2013. Despite a Brisbane CBD office he established in 2009 Tony was keen to be located in the heart of a community such as Wynnum whilst also reducing his commute and improving work life balance.

Piccardi Legal has experienced steady growth over the past twelve months and now employs Megan Thomas as a full time conveyancer and Frank Dzelalija as in-house counsel. Tony says “to be located between two coffee shops was ideal although a bit too tempting at times!”

While retaining the city office Tony is focused on local based work which has developed well in the first 18 months of opening in Wynnum, attracting local residents and business which now represents approximately three quarters of his clients. The Wynnum office is his main base now.

Piccardi Legal provide tailored advice and representation on transactional and litigious matters. They offer a mix of legal services with Tony Piccardi focusing on commercial, property and business law and Frank focusing on commercial, litigation, estate and family law.

Piccardi Legal prides itself on building good relationships with their clients.

“We have earned a reputation to handle any work whether small to large scale with ease.” says Tony. “We are happy to assist first home buyers to developers and know that each matter is unique and so we ensure that we work closely with our clients to ensure that we deliver timely, accurate and cost-effective legal solutions.”

Tony was attracted to set up in Wynnum Central in 2013 because of the community spirit. “It reminds me of where I grew up in Newcastle (NSW) as a child, with Wynnum being a local and small community where you can really get to know each other as customers and businesses.”

Tony conducts a lot of his own business locally and is part of a regular group of business owners who meet each Monday morning to network and chat over a coffee.

His practice has had its own share of unusual requests with one client wanting to leave their estate to their neighbour… providing they looked after the client’s pet! Away from the office and in his spare time, which he advises me is minimal, Tony enjoys his acreage property in nearby Gumdale with some chickens, ducks and the usual array of wildlife. His small fibreglass boat is a developing hobby as he is learning the joy of fishing on Moreton Bay. Overseas travel has taken him to Austria to see family.

Tony is very much part of the Wynnum Central community. He is here to stay and to see it grow and flourish.

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