It seems like a long time ago now, but on Tuesday 22nd January the Republic of Wynnum swore in its third president – Martin Kristoffersen. President Kristoffersen kindly allowed us to use his own premises – the Karma Muay Thai kickboxing gym – for the event.
Among the assembled masses (well maybe around 20 people) were both former presidents, to witness the President taking the oath of office and being given the Presidential Seal for official documents, a special desk plinth and lectern for all of those occasions when he needs to address the nation. At the ceremony the president took various questions from the crowd on whether he would be building a wall (yes – but only a very low one due to lack of budget) and what he would be doing about taxes (answer – nothing at all).
As we are now 100 days into his term, WynnumCentral will be sure to interview him soon, or at least request an interview for an update on the state of the nation…
Image credits (all indoor photography): Simone Yeo Imagery