
The Republic holds it first knighthood ceremony

In days of yore, soldiers were knighted on the battlefield after the victory. Today the battlefield is the shopfloor and so it was only right that the Republic of Wynnum’s first ceremony took place in amongst the clothing racks at DBS Menswear in Wynnum, where owner Peter Hellen was invested with his knighthood in the traditional way, by the laying on of the sword by fellow Wynnum aristocrat Dame Dale Leggoe of Wynnum/Manly fancy dress hire company Costume Connections.

Sir Peter with certificateOnce the ceremony was over – it was pretty short – Sir Peter was presented with his Certificate of Title and was able to get straight back to serving a customer. Next time you’re in DBS ask to see his official certificate… and don’t forget to call him Sir Peter!

PS Peter’s wife Colleen has also taken up a title, she is Countess Colleen Hellen.

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