Train station mural artwork competition extended

The Wynnum station mural design competition that kicked off last year has extended its entry period until Friday 18th March.
The idea behind the competition is to invite local artists to submit designs to replace the current somewhat faded mural on the wall opposite the platform at Wynnum Central railway station (see previous article here).
Entrants are asked to take inspiration from Wynnum’s seaside theme and design something that welcomes visitors who arrive in Wynnum on the train.
When installed the finished artwork will measure 7.6m x 2.6m.
In addition to having their artwork appear in this prominent location, the winning artist will receive a $500 cash prize.
All works and concepts must be the original unaided work of the entrant and be created specifically for this competition. Artists can make as many submissions as they like.
The competition is being held by CCIQ Brisbane and WynnumCentral, with support from Cr Peter Cumming, Joan Pease MP and Brisbane City Council.
(this article originally published Monday 8th February 2016)
Hey, I would be interested in participating, because I would like to see my artwork on a bigger scale.
I do hope this competition is a success. The present mural is in a terrible state and must make visitors to our beautiful bayside area wonder. Congratulations for “kick starting” a new mural..
I’m sorry but having lived in Wynnum from when I was 5 to 35 years of age, I think it’s going to take a lot more than a mural to tidy that place up.
I went back there for the first times in about 4-5 years and couldn’t get over the rundown state of the suburb. Anything that use to be old was now decreped, anything that use to be nice is now run down and anything new looks so cheap and nasty its revolting. Don’t start hating on me, I grew up there and was a proud “Wynnumite” for most of my life to date but was so saddened by what I saw I honestly couldn’t wait to get back to Springfield.
I do agree with CR as I am living in Wynnum for the last 47 years and it is badly run down.