As you may already know, if you read the article in the Wynnum Herald last week or spotted the news on Facebook, Perrys Fruit Market and Juice Bar in Tingal Road has now closed, with its last trading day being yesterday, Saturday 24th November.
The closure was quite sudden, and was a result of the landlord presenting the owners, Myf and John Cottis (also members of Wynnum Business) with a new lease which is made it not commercially viable for them to continue operating.
John Cottis told the Herald “Rent was only part of it but there are a lot of other things that made it more difficult for us and we had to make the decision to vacate. It was an incredibly tough and sad decision for us.”
Perrys has been trading in that location in Wynnum for sixty years (Myf – pictured left – and John took it over in early 2016) and the announcement on Facebook of the closure resulted in over a thousand comments on the Facebook post, all messages of support from customers and wellwishers.
John and Myf own the name ‘Perry’s Fruit Market and Juice Bar’ and they are looking at returning in another location in Wynnum next year. “It’s inspired us to come back even better in another location next year after we’ve had a bit of a break” John told the Herald.