Weekly news updates
We’re moving to a weekly news update with at least two stories every week. These will be accompanied by an ENEWS update, with a roundup at the end of the month.
Wider reach
About a year or so ago we asked you whether we should focus on Wynnum Central or go further afield in our reporting, to which you said ‘go further afield’. So that’s what we’re going to do. Not too far though!
More quick polls
We’re interested in what you think! And your responses matter because the relevant people pay attention. So please continue to let us know where you stand and what you’d like to see in our survey and polls. In case you missed it, our poll in the article on Australia Day surprised us with 63% of respondents voicing support for changing the date. We weren’t expecting that result and that’s why these polls are important.
Plus there are a few more changes in the pipeline which we’ll reveal soon!
Classified Ads
Our classified ads section does run one month free ads for certain categories. These are…
- In Memoriam
- Lost/Found
- To Let (for individuals)
- Wanted
And remember – if you have some news you’d like to share with us, jump on this page and let us know, plus if you are running an event, we’d be happy to list it on our What’s On page(which has just been updated with a few events this month and this year).