Whacky ideas for Wynnum (No. 3)

A lot of people who live in or close to Wynnum central never come into town. Why not? Well one of the reasons is that the shops just aren’t open at times that are convenient to them.
If for example you work full-time in the Brisbane CBD the only time you can get into Wynnum is at the weekend. And if you have to take the kids to sport on a Saturday morning, or maybe you just want a sleep in or fancy a lazy start to the weekend, that’s it, you’ve lost your chance. Why? Because the vast majority of retailers in Wynnum are closed in the afternoon.
At midday an imaginary cannon goes off and pretty much all Wynnum retailers shut their doors.
Look at it another way – Wynnum central is only open for 25% of the spare time available to people who work full time in the city. Most high street shopping areas are open all day Saturday and sometimes half of Sunday.
All shopping centres keep at least these hours. But Wynnum doesn’t. Except for a handful of mainly (but not exclusively) newer businesses in Wynnum.
Wynnum central will not see trade improve dramatically until a majority of the retail businesses realise this, although we understand it’s hard for individual retailers to make the call to stay open when most other businesses are closed.
So here’s our whacky idea. Why not declare Wynnum ‘open for business’ at the weekend? Encourage as many retailers as possible to stay open until at least 4pm on a Saturday and display a little sticker in the window to show they are part of the campaign. At WynnumCentral we’d of course be happy to list all businesses that are part of the initiative and promote it. What do you think? Would it work?
PS it should be an easy decision on twilight market days, when there are thousands more people in the street!
All the whacky ideas
Whacky ideas for Wynnum No. 1
Whacky ideas for Wynnum No. 2
Image credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zoutedrop/2317065892/ (main); http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannon (cannon)
This is a great idea in that it can test the market even if for only a month or two. The word has to get out to people that Wynnum is awake on the weekends, the signage in the windows is key! I think the bigger noise we make that we’re open, the more the word will get out and we’ll have everyone flocking to the area as opposed to finding alternative solutions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come down ‘out of hours’ to find it’s asleep, and all I wanted was a key cut, a nice meal, a pair of shoes. I spent my $$ elsewhere and I could have supported local. Anytime I can spend my money in Wynnum, I do, because it’s very convenient for me. I work out of normal hours, so it works for me, but for others, I don’t know how they do it. Let us all know, put out a big ad in the newspapers, have all the businesses, promote and hand out flyers, pay someone to do a flyer drop (not much of an investment if all the businesses would even put in $5 each (I think on Gumdale Hub or Wynnum What you can get a flyer drop for under $40) go for it, test it out, and check out the results, I know you won’t be surprised, but so many Wynnumites will be thrilled!
I lived in Wynnum for only a brief time (about 9 months), but had to unfortunately move back to Melbourne. Whilst I loved the ambience and charm of Wynnum, I was constantly frustrated at the number of shops that were shut during the times when people were more likely to visit the area.
By comparison, look at Bulimba. At night time and at weekends this place is buzzing with what I would call urban tourists. They are there to be entertained, dine at an array of establishments offering a variety of fare and to enjoy the atmosphere that only a buzzing crowd can offer.
Most nights in Wynnum I could walk down the middle of Bay Terrace and only be threatened by one or two cars and a handful of people walking the streets, looking wistfully into the windows of the shops whose doors were closed.
Admittedly in Melbourne I was used to the major supermarkets being opened until midnight seven days a week and having plenty of places where I could get a decent coffee (then I found Dramanti Artisan Roaster! Wow! Best coffee in Australia, bar none!)
So whilst I loved the charm of the place, I know it can’t survive on charm alone. It needs people to come to Wynnum and for Wynnum to be open when they come.