Wynnum Business Directory

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Check out this directory for all businesses located in the central Wynnum shopping district and in the Wynnum area. Around 200 Wynnum businesses are listed here. See more info on the directory in the notes below.

Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

As the leading youth and family services provider in the Wynnum/Redlands region, BABI has been responding to the needs of young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness since the early 1980s.

ADDRESS 34 Bay Terrace Wynnum QLD 4178
TEL 07 3393 4176
WEB https://babi.org.au/

Baretraps Shoes
Business Name
Business Genre
Bay Blends
Business Name
Business Genre
Bay Terrace Hair Design
Long Business Description

This business is not currently a member of WynnumCentral

Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Insurance Broker - Personal Advice, Exceptional Protection

Tailored insurance solutions with advice you can trust.

Business Insurance | Marine Industry Insurance | Commercial Property Owners | Transport & Logistics Unoccupied Properties |Pleasure Craft & Personal Water Craft | Residential Landlords | Prestige Home & Contents

ADDRESS Level 5, 182 Bay Terrace, Wynnum 4178
TEL 0455 INSURE | 0455 467 873 | (07) 3393 3429
WEB www.bayinsure.com.au

Bayside Bags
Business Name
Business Genre
Bayside Hand Therapy
Business Name
Long Business Description

Shop 2/ 89 Bay Terrace
Wynnum QLD 4178

Bayside Hand Therapy provides specialised rehabilitation for all conditions affecting the hand, wrist and elbow. Our highly trained occupational therapists are accredited with the Australian Hand Therapy Association and have spent many years developing advanced skills in the diagnosis and treatment of hand conditions in adults and children.

Bayside Hand Therapy has been providing specialist hand rehabilitation to Bayside residents for the past 10 years. Our services include management of fractures including on the spot fabrication of splints and casts, post surgical hand therapy, treatment of sports injuries, workplace accidents, overuse conditions, and diseases such as arthritis. No referral is required. Private health rebates apply. We also treat patients under Workcover, Department of Veterans affairs, and NDIS.

WEB www.baysidehandtherapy.com.au
TEL 07 3396 7798
FAX 07 3396 7312

Bayside Pharmacy
Business Name
Business Genre
Bayside Sleep Health
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

How well do you sleep every night? If you take longer than you would like to fall asleep, or wake during the night, worrying about work, family, or relationships while trying to sleep, you may be one of up to 30% of Australians who have symptoms of insomnia, the most common of sleep disorders.

Bayside Sleep Health can help you restore good, refreshing sleep health, by changing your current thoughts and routines around sleep.

Geoff Brearley is a registered psychologist whose area of clinical interest is in sleep disorders, and in particular, insomnia. He regularly attends continuing professional development training and conferences in the USA, about behavioral treatments for insomnia (including CBT-I), and other sleep topics. He is a Member of the Australasian Sleep Association, and a Member of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (USA).
Geoff is passionate about sleep, and has established Bayside Sleep Health to help anyone living in the bayside area and beyond, to restore to good sleep health.

TEL 0409 865 607
WEB https://makesleepyourfriend.com



Get A Listing

Contact us with all the relevant details at: [email protected]. A basic listing (business name, business category) is free, a full listing (all contact details, logo, business description) is $99 a year. Or you could join Brisbane Business Bayside, current membership is $29 per month (more info) – a full listing here is included in membership.

Spot An Error?

If you spot any errors or omissions, or if your business is missing let us know and we will correct and/or add the business.

Brisbane Business Bayside Members

The WynnumCentral initiative (including this website) is only possible thanks to the financial support of all Brisbane Business Bayside Members.

You can find them by clicking on the **BRISBANE BUSINESS BAYSIDE MEMBERS category in this directory. Plus they are listed in the right hand column of every page on this site. If one of your favourite businesses is not a member, ask them why not!

You can also check out articles and profiles of all Brisbane Business Bayside member businesses (and previous supporters of the WynnumCentral project) on the ‘Meet Your Local Businesses’ section on the home page on this website.

Saturday Opening Hours

We have added a function so you can quickly check who is open on a Saturday afternoon by choosing one of the ‘SATURDAY OPEN’ categories in the Directory.

We only list those businesses open until at least 3pm.

Businesses that are open longer hours are listed in all previous time slots eg a business open until 5pm is also listed in ‘open until 3pm’ AND ‘open until 4pm’, as well as ‘open until 5pm’. Be aware that some restaurants and bars do not open until eg 4pm on a Saturday, so if they are listed as ‘open until 5pm’ they may only have opened shortly before.

This is only designed as a quick reference guide to decide ‘if it’s worth going into Wynnum’ on a Saturday afternoon. All information is based on the latest information available to us and individual retailers may change their opening times from time to time without informing us!

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