Wynnum business group moves its meetings online

Local business group Wynnum Business is – like pretty much every other organisation that needs to hold meetings – moving to an online platform during the current restrictions. The first meeting is on tomorrow morning (Tuesday 21st) and will feature speaker Rob Orrock from TechTidy Consulting, who will talk about the tech side of working remotely.
TechTidy have been pretty busy over the past few weeks helping their small/medium business clients move over to remote working for many of their teams.
This first online meeting is offered by the group free of charge using the Zoom platform, and will run for 40 minutes, starting at 8.05am tomorrow morning. Anyone wanting to participate still needs to book in on the Wynnum Business events page (https://wynnumbusiness.org/events/).
“As this is the very first Wynnum Business online meeting it will be a bit of an experiment.” says Wynnum Business General Manager David Bateson. “It’ll be interesting to see how it differs from our normal face-to-face meetings and we’ll be looking to see if there’s a way we can translate some of the benefits of face-to-face meetings into an online setting.”