Brisbane City Council seeks feedback on the Wynnum Community Facility
Brisbane City Council is seeking feedback from the local community about the future use of the Wynnum Community Facility.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said Council purchased the school site from the State Government in 2012.
“This site will be developed to become a mix of commercial and community facilities and will deliver on my commitment for a new library and park,” Cr Quirk said. “Developing part of the school site will bring new opportunities to help revitalize the Wynnum CBD, while providing community facilities to the area. Council recognises local communities can offer a wealth of knowledge about their neighbourhood, which is why consultation is so important to the development of this facility.”
Cr Quirk said two community consultation sessions would be held on Thursday, December 12.
“All feedback provided by community members will be considered and will assist Council in its planning for the site,” he said.
For residents who are unable to attend these consultation sessions, the feedback period will remain open until the end of February 2014.
Wynnum Community Facility Consultation Sessions
Date: Thursday, December 12
Times: 2pm – 5pm and 6pm – 8pm
Location: Building A (brick building), former Wynnum Central State School site, Florence Street, Wynnum
RSVP: To RSVP, contact the project team on 1800 669 416 or email
If you can’t attend the sessions, you can contact the project team on 1800 669 416 or email to lodge your feedback.
Would like to see the main brick building at the former Wynnum Central State School be restored and put to use as the new home for the Wynnum Library, along with space for various community groups, common user & exhibition space. This building could then link well with redeveloped open space & parkland and any new commercial & residential development adjacent on the site. Most of this work could be paid for in the sale of the existing Wynnum Library site in what is a prime position for multilevel residential.
A restored and redeveloped northern side of Florence St would then provide great incentive for landowners on the southern side of Florence St to sympathetically redevelop their properties and open up the possibility of pedestrian integration with Edith St through a series of shop filled laneways in the longer term.
We must all recognise that the repurposing of the former Wynnum State School will be pivotal in how Wynnum CBD will develop and it therefore must be done right – in my opinion with a strong heritage link.
I think the new library should be placed at the eastern end where the old basket ball court is. This is next to the IGA.
The brick building could be either apartments or community facilities. The Men’s Shed is a huge success and it would be a big disappointment if this could not continue. Is it possible to have a mix of apartments and community facilities? If it is a choice I’d go for community facilities.
The old wooden buildings: one of these is quit old and the rest are of no historical significance. Maybe the old portion could be incorporated into the new library? The rest should be demolished or moved. Something should happen soon though because they are currently a arsonists dream.
Adjacent to the brick buildings looking west it should be a park, making sure the trees are kept.
I don’t mind if the Ron Cushing memorial courts and adjacent land become a commercial development BUT they should be unlocked NOW. why are they locked up? this is crazy.
There has already been a lot of consultation in this matter. I wonder why the council can’t make up its mind now? Its not making them look good in the eyes of the locals.
When I looked at the Redevelopment Plan for Wynnum CBD I was saddened to see that the “green corridor” to be retained in the Wynnum Central School site is only 40 metres wide. The parkland in the school grounds should be retained in its entirety and re-landscaped to cater for community use and enjoyment. Perhaps a band stand, skate board pit, dog park section, play ground area, community garden. The list is can go on.
I can’t understand why the only parkland we have will be reduced to cater for new buildings. We already have so many shabby structures in the CBD that are crying out for development
I don’t have a problem with developing the CBD to cater for both commercial and residential use, but why are we losing the parkland? Once it’s gone, we’ll never get it back.
By all means, save the trees and incorporate a park for use of the whole community.
What about turning the old school into Residential units but renovating it in such a way as to retain the beautiful timelessness of the original structure.
Let’s turn our attention to the Wynnum CBD. Time for a Makeover!