
Florence Street bookshop/cafe wins Bayside Business of the Month award

Florence Street bookshop and coffee shop Little Gnome is the winner of the Bayside Business of the Month Award for August, awarded by Joan Pease MP, State Member for Lytton. Joan Pease recently presented Bel Ellis, owner of Little Gnome, with the award at the shop.

gnome plus coffeeLittle Gnome specialises in books written by independent Australian authors, many from the local area, but also from as far away as Perth and Tasmania. The bookshop also holds regular events, including a monthly book club.
And if it’s coffee you’re after, they serve the Sunshine Coast based Montville coffee blend.

Joan Pease MP is encouraging all local bayside businesses to nominate for this award. Winners are chosen every month, and receive a certificate. Winning businesses also have their flyers on display in the window of the electorate office in Edith Street.

You can nominate your local bayside business by contacting the electorate office on 07 3915 1100 or by emailing [email protected]

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