We had intended to hold a Q&A session with the candidates for Wynnum Manly. Then we were going to submit questions to them and publish their replies. And then the Coronavirus came along and all plans went out the window.
Instead we have conducted a late prepoll – here are the results…
We were limited to a maximum of 100 respondents in this poll, however received only 11. It will be interesting to see how accurate this (very small) sample is!
ECQ is reporting (11:06pm):
Ken Austin (Greens) 11.99%
Peter Cumming (ALP) 54.68%
Megan Piccardi (LNP) 33.33%
with 18.6% of preliminary vote counted and no preferences counted yet.
Check live results here – https://prodresults.elections.qld.gov.au/lga2020/00826/councillor
Admittedly from a very small sample (11) the WynnumCentral prepoll survey indicates 50% support for the ALP candidate (Peter Cumming), 30% support for the LNP candidate (Megan Piccardi) and 20% support for the Greens candidate (Ken Austin). Lord Mayoral candidates – Adrian Schrinner (LNP) received 45.5% support and Pat Condren (ALP) 54.5% support. 90% of respondents voted ahead of election day.