
What’s planned for 2014 in WynnumCentral

As you know, the WynnumCentral project is an initiative funded by 28 local Wynnum businesses and retailers. We’ve had fun in 2013 establishing the art/craft/vintage/retro market (next one on Sat 1st Feb) and setting up this website with information and stories about what’s going on in the heart of Wynnum. Where to from here?

We firmly believe that we can start the revitalisation of Wynnum by giving people a good reason (or lots of good reasons) to come into Wynnum. So in 2014 we’d like to kick off a few new things:

  • A monthly Sunday Art Trail (see our previous article – Call for artists for Wynnum Art Trail)
  • A new monthly fresh seafood street market (ideally in Bay Terrace)
  • Free transport at the weekend for visitors to the waterfront up into the main shopping area (and back again)

In conjunction with the Wynnum & Districts Chamber of Commerce we are also investigating ways in which we can fill the ~30 empty shops in Wynnum with interesting art-based projects (see this article on our visit to Redcliffe).

What would you like to see happening in Wynnum next year?

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilcrabbygal/2214476502/

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