
Wynnum Laneway Movie Night

The organisers of the first open air Laneway Movie Night in Wynnum Central have announced the date – it will be held at 7pm on the evening of Thursday 13th July.

The two movies (When Harry Met Sally and The Matrix) will be shown at the same time in two separate laneways between Edith Street and Florence Street. The movies will be shown free of charge, but cinema goers must pick up their free tickets from one of the sponsors. Cinema goers wanting to see When Harry Met Sally need to go into Ray White on Bay Terrace to pick up their tickets, and those wanting to see The Matrix need to head down to the Waterloo Hotel in Berrima Street to get theirs.

Around 150 tickets are available for each movie. Announced recently in the Wynnum Herald as a BYO chairs/blankets event, the organisers are now advising that seating will be provided.

So if you’re keen to be a part of this inaugural event, head on down to Ray White or The Waterloo before all the tickets go!

Read the Wynnum Herald article on the Courier Mail site…


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  1. This asking a lot for people to sit outdoors in July .. I love the movies and prefer to pay for a indoor movie place.

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