
Wynnum set to get its wish granted – a cinema

As you may be aware if you read last week’s Wynnum Herald, the owners of the Waterloo Bay Hotel have just submitted a development proposal to develop a mixed residential and commercial development in Berrima Street and Bride Street. Polls that have been conducted on WynnumCentral and by the Wynnum Herald show huge support for a cinema in Wynnum, and the developers are now seeking the support of local residents and businesses for the proposal.

If you support the move you are invited to register a submission supporting the proposal, or you can go into the Waterloo Bay Hotel where they hold a petition of support. See how you can make a cinema for Wynnum a reality below.

Here is their letter to the local community…


We are writing to request your support in bringing a cinema to Wynnum. A cinema has been a hot topic among bayside residents for a few years, with Quest News polls indicating a cinema being in high demand in Wynnum.

We are excited to announce that we are proposing a mixed residential and commercial development at 86-90 Berrima Street and 73-77 Bride Street, Wynnum which includes 8 cinemas with a total of about 500 seats. The proposed cinema will be located within a 2 storey podium addressing Berrima Street with a supporting retail/café space at ground level. Above the podium, there will be two residential towers, 8 storeys in height, and containing 65 residential units. We have attached extracts of the proposal plans for your perusal.

We would like your help in showing Council there is a need for a cinema in Wynnum so they view the proposal favourably and give Wynnum and the bayside suburbs the cinema they have been asking for. Your support will assist in breathing new life into the social atmosphere of Wynnum. A cinema within the central business district of Wynnum will increase foot traffic supporting existing businesses in the area.

You can help by visiting Council’s Planning and Development Online (https://pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au/masterviewUI/modules/ApplicationMaster/default.aspx?page=wrapper&key=A004679687) and registering a submission in support of the proposal. Full copies of the plans are available through this link. We have provided a support template that you can sign and attach to the submission if you wish. Additionally you can email your support to [email protected] quoting the application number A004679687 or post it to:

Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434

PS You can also find out more about the proposed development at two events soon…

1) Wynnum Business meeting this Thursday 6th July 6pm-8pm
This is a regular business networking meeting held by Wynnum Business. The meeting this week will be at The Waterloo Bay Hotel and the development team will give a short presentation on the plan for the cinema complex at the meeting. Tickets are $20 (earlybird runs out Mon 3rd July 6pm) /$25. There is a limit of 40 people – to book…


2) At the movie night itself the developers will briefly talk about the proposal ahead of the screenings

Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Sailko (main image)

Waterloo Bay Hotel is a member of Wynnum Business.

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  1. Wonderful News for Wynnum

    When I was a kid over 60 years ago, Wynnum had the Star Theatre, the Imperial Theatre and at Manly the Strand Theatre. Also at the same time Wynnum had a Skating Rink at the Tingal Road & Glenora Street corner where the TOYOTA Dealership now stands. Old Nick Martoo had a Picture Show at Hemmant Hall and at Lota School of Arts.

    These are all part of Wynnum’s history. They have now gone but a new Picture Theatre will be a welcome addition to Wynnum’s Civic Enrichment in the 21st Century.

  2. A cinema complex in Wynnum will be a dream come true. It will bring the community together in a unique way and with multiple cinemas, should be able to cater for all age-groups, and for all tastes in cinema. Can’t wait to see it happen.

  3. I grew up at Wynnum Central and Lota and my brother and I went to the cinema called locally as “The Flea Pit” on the Wynnum Esplanade, remembering seeing “The Ariscocats” around 1973 here.
    Mum and Dad took us to Cannon Hill Drive In and Capalaba Drive In, all gone now. Dad also would take us to Cleveland to go roller skating and we went to Greenslopes to go 10 pin bowling, these places have also passed in to history.

    A Cinema has been needed for a long time but maybe the development could include a 10 pin bowling club and a roller skating ring and maybe Jets Gym on Tingal Road to move in to the new development. Also love Donut King.
    Good luck with the development.

  4. Great about time too. The area is ripe for leisure activities. Recently went to a small 4 film theatre in Port Maquarie area they opened Thursday till Sunday evening. It was bursting. Ive been here 11 yrs from day one i daid we needed a cinima yay

  5. Sounds positive news and to read what views had in their hay day is astounding that it has all ‘folded up’ over time to the word ‘progress’. Looking forward to it all happening in Wynnum.

  6. So excited…. Cinema have never looked more promising, Thank you Waterloo Bay Hotel! … more restaurants….more meeting places for friends and families.

  7. 100% support this proposal. Traffic in the area would need to be thought about, but could also see restaurants like Grill’d and Zambrero doing very well in this Complex.

  8. We don’t need a cinema at Wynnum! It might sound like a good idea but look at numbers attending nearby cinemas such as Balmoral, Hawthorne and Capalaba during week days and you’ll soon see only a handful of people sitting in a near empty cinema. In reality, a cinema is only an excuse to get 8 storey apartments rearing their ugly head above the modest two-storey or single storey dwellings that make Wynnum the inviting suburb it is and should continue to be. Rethink the height of the apartments and consider a performing arts complex instead!

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