Call for artists and artisans for Wynnum creative project

Wynnum Creative Spaces is a joint project of WynnumCentral and the Wynnum & Districts Chamber of Commerce, which aims to take a leaf out of the example of Newcastle, which was able to revitalise its city centre using an approach based on allowing artists and artisans to occupy empty shop space. There’s more to this of course, and you can see a little more information about how the project has developed elsewhere here – Renew Australia website (sorry, omitted to put the link in earlier).
We’re now interested to hear from any artist or artisan, local or otherwise, who would be interested in learning more about the scheme and in perhaps applying to use empty shop space in Wynnum.
If that’s you, give us some details, including your email address, and we’ll keep you posted of developments…
Join mailing list/expression of interest
Image credit:
Wynnum Creative Spaces in the news…
Wynnum Herald/Courier Mail
4BC interview
612 ABC Brisbane interview
ok i officially sign in Daniele L-S
Sounds like a great opportunity, having problems with signing in though, page won’t load. Will keep trying
Really encourage you to let the excellent team at The Collective on Bay Tce know about this initiative! They are in touch with a lot of artisans and contemporary craft makers.
Fantastic plan !
Hi I am Artist Leo Herreygers from Victoria Point and produced over 3 decades of Artwork and design in Brisbane from Painting the Piazza floor for expo 88, Artist for the Opening the Brisbane center and Artist for the Qld Theatre Co., Qld Opera, Qld Youth Ballet and Corporate staging and events for Staging Dimentions, I also have my personal Art that I do for exhibitions, which range from Music Legend Portraits to Surreal Art ect. I have approx 20 paintings sitting at home that need to be displayed, this would be a great place to display my Art. Please let me know if you would like to have this Art work in one of your shops as this would be a wonderful opportunity for me at this time.
My wife Jo and I are looking to have our own Gallery at some stage, but just not quiet ready for that yet financially.
Kind regards
Leo Herreygers
Ph: 0412 447 563 or Jo’s number is 0412 779 061